Chinese Twelve Element Chart


Zodiac Signs

The Chinese Twelve Element Chart is well known. Known also as the Chinese Zodiac Signs, it is an astrology chart which operates on a twelve-year cycle. This Chinese charting is most know for the animals that represent the twelve year cycle. This Twelve Element (Animal) chart is used alongside The Five Element Chart (Fire, Metal, Wood, Earth).

Each of the years in the zodiac are assigned an animal totem that embodies the attributes and characteristics of the sign that it represents.

These animal Characteristics along with the Elements can give you a forecast for the up coming year and a forecast for your lifetime journey.

Chinese zodiac signs (or sheng xiao, translating to "born + resemblance"); in order, they’re the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

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